Guess who's back to using Squirrel the laptop because Impala the laptop won't boot? *waves* Sigh.
I'm trying to sell my harp; I was going to use the moola for a number of expenses large and small, but I may have to blow the whole wad on a new laptop. Bugger.
OMG this thing is GORGEOUS. And FAST and POWERFUL and HUGE and BLACK and SLEEK and and and...
as a result of all that, I've named it Impala. LOL!
I am currently writing this post and syncing Myfanwy the iPhone at the same time! I have never been able to do this before. And I still have my email open as well! The mind boggles at the sheer
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You know when I posted, "Zombie Laptop Lives"? I may have spoken too soon. It's being crotchety today. Crashing and crashing. Sometimes it can't find its hard drive, sometimes it can't find the monitor. I think my laptop has Alzheimer's.
I am learning so much about computer recovery and maintenance! *Spider makes lemonade*
1) Got my period this morning. 70 day cycle. Personal best! Woo hoo! [/sarcasm] Browsing online shopping sites is especially unproductive under the influence of hormones, Spider. You can't afford it and it'll just make you mope
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Thanks to the lovely, talented, magnanimous and skilled luckyckljw , whose name shall forever be blessed, I have a laptop! It runs Ubuntu, which makes me feel very geek-chic.